Rebirth of Freemasonry in Egypt: Sovereign Grand Lodge of Egypt

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Rebirth of Freemasonry in Egypt: Sovereign Grand Lodge of Egypt

Even though Egypt is facing one of the worst political crises and the democratic spirit of the people is encountering dictatorial intentions, Freemasonry revived in Egypt. The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Egypt was founded in late June 2013. The new Masonic organization is headed by Most Worshipful Grand Master M. F.

All current Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge shall retain their offices until 8 October 2014. Even though the statement was made, there is no information regarding the process of consecration and installation of this Grand Lodge, nor about the Grand Master, nor about a third Symbolic Lodge in its jurisdiction (Imhotep Lodge #1 and Kemet Lodge #2), necessary to constitute a Masonic Jurisdiction for a independent Masonic Grand Lodge.


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